The main activity of the district: the district has a diversified economy
Head of the Municipal Formation
Severskaya District
Dear friends!
I am happy to welcome you to the hospitable land of the Severskaya District!
Our district is, quite literally, one of the most promising in the Krasnodar Region.
The district is located just 30 kilometers from the Kuban capital — Krasnodar city — and a little more than 100 kilometers from the Black Sea coast. The Severskaya District is a unique district with a population represented by 80 nationalities. Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians, Greeks, Georgians and Belarusians are the most numerous of them. Keeping the original culture of all peoples inhabiting it gives a powerful impetus and strength to develop the spiritual capacity and for self-expression and nurtures the culture of each one of us.
The main attraction of the district is a unique landscape and great places to relax.
Thanks to its geographical position, the Severskaya District is extremely attractive for investments in the development of resort and tourism business.
The Sober-Oashkh Mountain (of 736 m high) is considered to be a landmark of the Severskaya District. There are springs on the both hill-sides of Sober that is why the mountain was considered to be sacred for a long time.
There are natural and historical monuments of the district here, such as ravine of the Red Stream, Pshadskiye Waterfalls, Yellow Monasteries, Daryiny Waterfalls, the Mitridat Mountain, Zaporozhskiye Sources, Krepost and Papay Mountains and Verhneafipskoye Lokhness Lake wrapped in mysteries and legends. They became favorite places for tourism and recreation long ago.
The Ilskaya Early Man Site, a monument of the Middle Paleolithic Era, is world famous. Its age is 130,000 years.
The Severskaya District provides a wide range of tourist services: from therapeutic ones to adventure tourism – climbing and hang gliding. The duration of the resort and tourist season is 7-9 months.
There are famous mineral springs in the Cossack villages of the Azovskaya and Grigoryevskaya. The iodide-bromine mineral water and healing mud can be used in balneology.
The economic base of the district develops with good paces. The district economy is presented with petroleum refining, mining, construction and transport sectors, including the pipeline transportation of oil and gas, agriculture, production of construction materials and other industries.
The industry is a base of economy. The share of industrial production is 75% of the total volume of goods and services produced by large and medium-sized enterprises of the Severskaya District.
Increasing the number of inhabitants and the number of employed in the economy of the district is indicative of the attractiveness of the Municipal Formation for comfortable living and doing business.
Most of the district enterprises operate stably. Such enterprises as Afipskiy Petroleum Refinery, LLC, Ilskiy Petroleum Refinery, LLC, Afipskiy Bakery Complex, OJSC, Medvezhya Gora, OJSC, Krasnodargazstroy, OJSC, Kuban Cereal Company, LLC and others are successfully developed.
We develop and will develop our district as both an industrial center and a resort and tourist area. This means that the local budget will be able to implement new social programs, engage in landscaping, construct new houses and roads, kindergartens and stadiums, and the residents of the district will get new jobs and increase the income of their families, and this is a main goal of our work!
Head of the Municipal Formation Severskaya district
Dzharim Adam Shakhmetovich